Overcoming Transformation Roadblocks

Overcoming Transformation Roadblocks.

Problems Solved. Value Delivered.

  • Reducing Transformation Costs
  • Shorten Transformation Timelines
  • Integrate Data & AI With The Current Transformation Strategy

Who Benefits Most?

  • CxOs & CDOs
  • Executive Business Leaders
  • Transformation Leaders & Strategists

The Amazon Best Seller

From Data To Profit is the playbook for monetizing data and AI. Discover the essential frameworks to unlock the value trapped in your data.

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From Data To Profit

Three sources of business debt hold businesses back from achieving their transformation goals.

Technical debt is accrued by making shortsighted technical decisions. Technical decisions today must meet today’s business needs and prepare for the impacts of future technology waves. This seminar explains the framework for creating amplification waves and cycles.

"Technical debt makes transformation slower & more expensive."

Strategy must continuously transform with each technology wave, or the business accrues strategic debt. This seminar explains a framework that supports CxO decision about leveraging technology to innovate across the business and operating models.

"Strategic debt holds the business back."

Cultural debt is accrued by the business’s evaluation, accountability, and incentivization structures failing to transform to support new technology waves. Technology must be integrated into the business’s workflows, but most cultural artifacts are not designed to support integration. Some artifacts punish people throughout the company for leveraging new technologies. Others make people accountable for workflow outcomes that result from workflows that technology now controls.

Cultural artifacts must continuously transform to reinforce technology adoption and monetization.

"Cultural debt makes it impossible to adopt data & AI products or achieve efficiency gains."

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